Distributor: DBO Perú
Project name: PTAR Huaytire II – SYSTEM O))
Location: Huaytire, Candarave, Peru
Processing capacity: 45
Year of installation: 2021
Sector of activity: Mining

The community of Huaytire is located at 4,700 meters above sea level, in the province of Candarave, department of Tacna. The houses in the area are mainly built with adobe and have tile or sheet metal roofs. Situated near the Suches lagoon, it offers a view of the snow-capped mountain Tutu Paca. The typical climate and topography of the Puna and wet alpine tundra bring a biting wind that blows almost constantly, bringing intense cold. The coldest periods are in June and July, with whirlwinds reaching great heights. Temperatures can drop to 25° below freezing during the months of June, July, and August, with temperatures ranging between 15° and 30° in the shade and in the sun, respectively, during the summer. According to residents, rainy periods bring torrential downpours and hail that cover the ground, making paths invisible. In such conditions, few technologies have sustainable and effective performance.

The SUNASS report highlights the most significant problems that a Wastewater Treatment Plant (PTAR) should solve, mentioning a total of 204 PTARs, of which 163 were operational, 32 under construction, and 9 paralyzed. Therefore, the System O)) presents itself as an alternative ecological and cost-effective solution, in terms of operation and maintenance, while respecting the maximum allowable limits (MAL) as indicated in D.S. 003-2010 MINAM.


The wastewater treatment plant (PTAR) project by System O)) includes inlet facilities or a glass siphon and a 200 mm outlet pipe leading to preliminary treatment with 3,000-liter tanks used as sand traps and grease traps. Primary treatment consists of two 25,000-liter fiberglass tanks serving as settlers, followed by System O))’s secondary treatment. The System O)) PTAR processes a flow rate of 45 m³ per day and directly benefits 220 residents. Its main advantages include low operation and maintenance costs, recovery of treated water, no use of energy or chemicals, as well as favorable ecological impact and long-term durability.


The results obtained fully comply with the maximum allowable limits (MAL) defined in Decree D.S 003-2010 MINAM, with an elimination rate of 97.44% for oils and fats and 99.78% for thermotolerant coliforms. Similarly, the system achieves 94.36% removal of biochemical oxygen demand and 91.70% removal of chemical oxygen demand, as well as a reduction of 63.21% in total suspended solids. It is concluded that the Huaytire II Wastewater Treatment Plant in Candarave, Tacna, is effective as it meets all parameters evaluated according to the standard.

The results will also benefit the population which previously had a blind well, a source of contamination for the bofedales, attracting mosquitoes and generating bad odors. Sanitation and wastewater management are directly linked to health problems such as anemia, hepatitis, cholera, and dysentery, directly affecting the health and economy of the community.

The implementation of the wastewater treatment plant with System O)) improves the water quality of the rivers used for agriculture and fishing, which flow into the Suches lagoon and the bofedales ecosystem. The system mainly complies with Peruvian legislation and has low operation and maintenance costs, enhancing the efficiency of the System O)) implementation project.

The treated water is reused in agriculture and gardening processes for the local population. These waters enable the cultivation of various types of vegetation, ranging from flowering plants to vegetables. The population directly benefits from a decentralized treatment plant, with no continuous maintenance or mechanical components, allowing them to reuse this water for their main economic activity, the alpaca production chain, for the commercialization of their textile fiber and meat.

Customers are satisfied with their economical and sustainable installation.