
Treatment results excel established norms and standards.

Some of the results acquired during the bench test of the various certification organization.

Parameters Results (mg/l) Standards (mg/l)
Stoke (18 months) BNQ Quebec (15 months) CEBEDEAU (European Union 15 months) Dubaï (As of 2022) USA (NSF-40) Canada (BNQ 3680-910) European Union (NE 12566-3) Dubaï (Pilot project)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 3,7 < 1 10,1 < 5 < 25 ≤ 15 < 35 < 50
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 3,9 < 2 12,2 < 5 < 30 < 15 < 30 < 20
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 17,9 N/A 62,2 40 N/A N/A N/A 150

The technology was tested on several bench tests awarding it these certifications and approval.

System O)) solutions are approved and also have permissions from Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal, the city of Dubai, mines in Peru and several more underway.

CAN / BNQ 3680-600 for residential wastewater treatment and disinfection.

CAN / NQ 3680-910 advanced secondary treatment and disinfection in Quebec for small (0.5 m³/day) and large projects (over 2000 m³/day).

  United States
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 40 Class I, Certificate #3U460-01 (09/22/09)

  • Ministerial approvals issued by the Minister of State, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, and the Minister of Solidarity and Health: (n°2019-008, n°2019-009) for drained and non-drained installations.
  • Technical assessment issued by the CSTB (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment): (n°17.1/18-333_V1)

CE marking

Complies with NE 12566-A3

Belgique Flandre Benor: Batch system 0 to 50 EH : CRT/017-KW

Belgique région Wallonne SPW: (5 to 20 EH : N° 2017/12/206/A, 21 to 50 EH : N°2017/12/207/A)

System O)) was recently awarded the renowned Solar Impulse label in January 2024. A certification awarded to the greenest and most sustainable solutions around the world.

this technology meets the
solar impulse standards on
sustainability and profitability